Jay Riazanow, an original PowerZone member, moved to Florida in 1999. When he returned to New Jersey last week to visit his son, he also made sure to stop by and get back "in the Zone''.
Not surprising, since Raizanow, who lived in Rockaway before retiring to Florida, was one of the people most anxious to play when PowerZone was set to open.
"I was one of the first guys to play here,'' Riazanow said. "One of the last things that had to be done before it opened was putting the floor (Taraflex) in. I kept stopping in, checking to see when it would be done. It took a little time.''
Raizanow said he played in PowerZone as soon as one section of the floor was ready. "It was interesting, it was a little messy (the courts that weren't ready yet). I guess you'd call it rustic.''
Raizanow, who participated in the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Italy as a featherweight weightlifter for Isreal, subbed in the coed league for Stu's Crew on Wednesday night.
The Crew had its best showing of the season, going 4-2 in its 6 games. Raizanow was able to catch up with other long-time members like Paul and Rich Mehlin Phil Oney and Terry Standfast, who play in the league, along with Kathy Stanton, who's club team was practicing that night.
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